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The Merger Mystery: Why Spend Ever More on Mergers When So Many Fail?
Geoff Meeks, J. Gay Meeks
Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2022


One Object, Two Networks? Assessing the relationship between the face and body-selective regions in the primate visual system
Jessica Taubert, J Brendan Ritchie, Leslie G Ungerleider, Christopher I Baker
The Laboratory of Brain and Cognition, The National Institute of Mental Health
School of Psychology, The University of Queensland
Published in the journal Brain Structure and Function,

NBDT: Neural-Backed Decision Trees
Alvin Wan, Lisa Dunlap, Daniel Ho, Jihan Yin, Scott Lee, Henry Jin, Suzanne Petryk, Sarah Adel Bargal, Joseph E. Gonzalez
UC Berkeley, Boston University
Published in ICLR 2021

Let's Figure This Out: A Roadmap for Visual Conceptual Blending
João Miguel Cunha, Pedro Martins, Penousal Machado
University of Coimbra
Published in ICCC 2020

Automated Blend Naming Based on Human Creativity Examples
Senja Pollak, Pedro Martins, Amílcar Cardoso, Tanja Urbančič
Jozef Stefan Institute, University of Coimbra, University of Nova Gorica
Published in ICCBR 2015


Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Everest